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DVD-Logging RR-(modeling the prototype)
Untitled Document



Green Frog Productions continues its well received Modeling the Prototype series with an in-depth look at one of the most popular model railroad subjects - the logging industry. This video closely examines not only the operations of several logging railroads, but also how the trees were cut, loaded and then unloaded at the sawmill.

Then, to really get the creative sap flowing, we'll show how three great modelers have applied the prototype practices to their layouts.
The prototype railroads featured on this vdeo were shot with film cameras between the 1920's and the 1960's. The film has been transferred to a Broadcast format and edited in our broadcast quality suite. Featured railroads include the Westside, Rayonier, Mower, Ely-Thomas, Grasse River RR, and more.

We also visit the outstanding layouts of Bob Clarke, Dr. Charles Patti, and Lou Ullian, each predominantly built around the logging industry. All three layouts have been featured in the modeling press. They are highly detailed and exemplify the complete industry, from trees to sawmills.

Logging railroads were well known for their "make do" approach to railroading. Each of these layouts feature this approach. As a bonus, Bob Clarke will show how to make ground cover quickly and easily.

Written by Tom Beaton, a recognized authority on logging railroads, this video will inspire you when the chips are down.

Approx. 57 Minutes
Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo

DVD-Logging RR-(modeling the prototype)

$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
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