BLURAY Dayton Ohio RR's 50s to 70s
$34.98 $22.74 On Sale!
Green Frog Productions, Ltd., Neff Video, and David P. Oroszi bring you an action packed film of Dayton Ohio Railroads filmed from the 1950’s through the 1970’s. Program contains exciting Rail action including Steam, 1st generation Diesels and more. Onboard & In-Cab footage, Switching, Runbys, Yard action and Much More!
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BLURAY Fallen Flags of the NE-1960s
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! For three decades in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Paul Blake shot copious movie films of railroading, mostly in the Northeast.
Railroads Featured: New Haven Railroad, New York Central, Pennsylvania RR, Boston & Maine, Central Vermont, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk Western, Erie Lackawanna…
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DVD-Dayton Ohio RR's 50s to 70s
$29.98 $19.48 On Sale!
Recent Release! Green Frog Productions, Ltd., Neff Video, and David P. Oroszi bring you an action packed film of Dayton Ohio Railroads filmed from the 1950’s through the 1970’s. Program contains exciting Rail action including Steam, 1st generation Diesels and more. Onboard & In-Cab footage, Switching, Runbys, Yard action and Much More!
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DVD-Fallen Flags of the NE-1960s
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Release! For three decades in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Paul Blake shot copious movie films of railroading, mostly in the Northeast.
Railroads Featured: New Haven Railroad, New York Central, Pennsylvania RR, Boston & Maine, Central Vermont, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk Western, Erie Lackawanna…
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BLURAY 70s Railroading (Cincinnati-Hamilton)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
1970s S8mm Film of Robert Federle - Featuring B&O / Chessie System, Penn Central, early Conrail and others -- Action at rail yards, such as Pit Yard-Armco, WR Tower-Storrs and Gest St. Yards - Bonus Videos and Slideshow...
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Norfolk & Western Steam Freights BLURAY
- from Greg Scholl Video Productions Big steam power--8mm color films from the collection of Warren W. Scholl highlight N&W steam freight operations primarily on the Cincinnati-Portsmouth line from 1954 to the end of steam in 1956...
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DVD-70s Railroading (Cincinnati-Hamilton)
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
1970s S8mm Film of Robert Federle - Featuring B&O / Chessie System, Penn Central, early Conrail and others -- Action at rail yards, such as Pit Yard-Armco, WR Tower-Storrs and Gest St. Yards - Bonus Videos and Slideshow...
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BLURAY-Twilight of the Original California Zephyr
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Filmed in 1969 - The iconic “California Zephyr.” the famed scenic train running between Oakland, California, and Chicago over the Western Pacific, Denver and Rio Grande Western, and Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroads...
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DVD-Twilight of the Original California Zephyr
$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
Recent Filmed in 1969 - The iconic “California Zephyr.” the famed scenic train running between Oakland, California, and Chicago over the Western Pacific, Denver and Rio Grande Western, and Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroads...
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Norfolk & Western Steam Freights DVD
- from Greg Scholl Video Productions Big steam power--8mm color films from the collection of Warren W. Scholl highlight N&W steam freight operations primarily on the Cincinnati-Portsmouth line from 1954 to the end of steam in 1956...
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BLURAY (This Was The rock Island)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
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BLURAY 60s Passenger Steam Electric
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
BLURAY - Re-Mastered on HD
Action galore of railroading in the 1960’s around Chicago’s south side. The railroads featured are: Wabash, Rock Island, Illinois Central, Santa Fe, much more...
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BLURAY 844 Early Years
from Greg Scholl Video Productions Union Pacific 4-8-4 number 844 was the last of the series built, and has never been retired from the railroad. This program takes you back to the early years as we see some of the first trips in 1960, and continue through the 1970’s...
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BLURAY California Zephyr (The Ultimate Fantrip)
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Complete trip on the California Zephyr! Filmed in 1965, when the CZ was at it's ultimate... Remastered To 1080i HD...
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BLURAY Canrail-CN CP TH&B 50s-70s
$34.98 $13.99 On Sale!
Recent Release Re-live what rail-fanning was all about 45 to 65 years ago-exciting late Canadian steam and 1st generation diesel action during the 50s-70s...
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