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DVD-BNSF Goat vol2
In Volume 2 we'll cross Great Northern's other famous mountain pass, Steven's Pass in our quest to reach the Pacific.
Green Frog's professional photographer Rich Scheid will take us over the Cascade Mountains of Washington.

We will start this journey in Spokane, Washington and head west through the rolling wheatlands of eastern Washington, through Harrington, Wilson Creek, Ephrata, and the Apple Capital of the world Wenatchee.

Next we'll head up the Cascade Mountains over Steven's Pass stopping at Levenworth, visiting both portals of the famous 8 mile long Cascade Tunnel, then on to Skykomish, the beautiful Mt. Index area, Sunset Falls, Gold Bar, and Startup, Finally ending at the Pacific tide water town of Everett.

Then we'll head south on the old track of the Northern Pacific to Auburn, Cross the Green River, then travel on to Easton, Sumner, and cross the White River, and visit Payallup and location's west, where the spectacular Mt. Raineer looms over head.

We'll visit the port city of Tacoma with its yard and depot, and visit Vancouver, Washington's yard and Depot.

Approx. Run Time 80 Minutes

DVD-BNSF Goat vol2

$29.98 $11.99 On Sale!
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