Rails in Transition

"The material presented here is taken from 16mm footage by Jerry Carson and covers the 1960s when the railroads truly were in a state of major change. The sound is superb and the action is heavy with passenger movements, most revolving around St. Louis Union Station. Many of the trains in the first part are Gulf, Mobile & Ohio pre-Amtrak passenger runs. There is great dieselvariety on the GM&O, E-units, Alco road switchers and yard switchers and some early second generation power in the newer schemes.

"After we leave St. Louis, we jump around the country in a somewhat disorganized fashion visiting Washington for PRR GG1s, Horseshoe Curve and the Penn Central, on to Cincinnati, then briefly to Chicago for two locations: "State Line" tower (I've been there) and "Pullman Junction" (I've been thrown out of there). Settling back in the St. Louis area produces some very fine viewing -- a lot of Missouri Pacific, Alton & Southern, TRRA, Manufacturers Railway and the Frisco in pre-merger orange and white. A lot of first generation power and some repowered oddities surface in this part. The video covers roads many of us never saw, along with tremendous diesel variety which will make it most valuable to early diesel aficionados (like myself).

"Green Frog uses sounds from its extensive library when producing these early diesel videos; it will appreciate additions to the library from railfans who have good or unusual steam and diesel sound on tape." Ted Davis - National Railway Historical Society

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